Tejas And Shadowing
and Shadowing
( Technology
enabled Education through Joint Action and Strategic Initiatives)
More than 200 Teacher Activity Groups (TAGs) are
running through 9 districts of Maharashtra as a part of TEJAS program. This is
very innovative program of State government of Maharshtra with the partnership
of British council and Tata trusts.
RAA,Aurangabad ( Regional Academic Authority, Aurangabad)
formerly known as State institute Of English (SIE) is looking administrative
part of TEJAS on behalf of Maharashtra government.
The major interventions of TEJAS
- To build the capacity of state academic resource persons
(SARPs) through face to face training and ongoing
support through social media.
- To help SARPs to take their own responsibility of CPD
To establish TAGs at cluster level
- To create a community of TAG coordinators to run tag
meetings effectively and strengthen tag coordinators through face to face
training and ongoing support
- To create online communities of TAG Coordinators to develop
sharing and learning atmosphere across 9 districts
- To help tag teachers to gain more confidence in teaching
English effectively,sharing their experiences ,learning new ideas and
methods through monthly tag meetings
- To enable learners more engaged , more confident using
English and learn with fun.
Classroom observation and TAG observation
To ensure how tags are being facilitated and how tag
teachers are implementing new ideas from tag meetings , British Council
has planned to have
1. Baseline observation in year 1 of Tejas
2. Midline observation in year 2
3. Endline observation in year 3
classroom and TAG observation
As a part of Tejas program ,we SARPs have to shadow with British
Council Training consultants (TC).
This will enable SARPs to see
- how an experienced TC observes classroom and TAG
- how he/she gives feedback to teachers and Tag
- how he/she motivates, helps and encourages teachers/Tag
cs to reflect on teaching a lesson
and facilitating a tag meeting
- how he/she conducts TAG teachers’ and
learners’ focus group
- how he/she writes while observing a lesson and
TAG meeting
My experience of shadowing
1. Classroom observation

I am working as a SARP at DIECPD,Nashik.Many tags are running in
Nashik district. It’s my responsibility to support 14 tag coordinators
and help them to run their tags without challenges. I am quite successful to
fulfill my responsibility.
It was really knowledgeable experience to shadow with Mr Girish
Mulani sir (British Council training consultant). Mr Girish sir is a very
energertic,cheerful,humble and modest person. He is a great human being
as he loves children, teachers ,teaching profession and his job of
He is very devotional
towards his profession. I never saw him wasting a single minute during
his visit.Talking on tejas,Tag,Tag resource book and knowing everything related to TAG. I also noticed that he is a
very skillful teacher and teacher trainer.
As per the schedule we both visited Z .p.School,Chikadi and
Z.P.School,Shingarpada, cluster –Gandole, Block-Dindori ,Dist-Nashik on 6th oct
2017. We started our journey at 8:15 am from Nashik by cab. We reached at
10:45 at Chikadi school.
We observed lessons conducted by Mr Pravin Varade (Pri.Tr. Chikadi
and Tag teacher of NAS088) and Mr Kamalkar Raut (Pri.Tr.
Shingarpada and Tag teacher of NAS088)
Both the schools are in tribal area and very remote from
Nashik. Irregular supply of electricity, no network coverage, mountains
all around ,heavy rain occurs during monsoon, tribal children, no good roads
,but the surrounding is bestowed with green valleys, teak trees all around,
cold weather and running water through rivers. Despite such conditions the
schools are well built and have toilets,fencing,flower plants and the
decorated classes. There are grass lawns at Shingarpada school. Very beautiful
location of the premises. Both the schools have smart TV and when there is
electricity, teachers show educational videos to children.
Learners are the same all over the world, they are always
curious to learn something new if they are engaged and provided with ample
opportunities. We can’t categorize them as tribal, rural, semi-urban or urban .
Each child deserves for the best. When we saw these children , they felt shy
and afraid . When I clicked a photo of them ,they felt happy. Girish sir
started to build rapport with them . We were given warm welcome by Mr. Namdev
Gaikawad (KP), Mrs. Chhaya Kothavade (HM) and Mr. Pravin Varade .
Soon Pravin sir gathered all the students on the ground to conduct
assembly. Everyone was looking nice and reddish.Sitting in four lines.This
school is upto 4th standard. There are nearabout 40 students
and 2 teachers. One girl of 4th was giving instructions
to children and they were following her instructions. They sang national anthem
,pledge ,prayer together. One girl of 4th grade told a story
using her own local language. It was nice assembly conducted by children .
Mr Pravin sir is very energetic and joyful person. He had
many problems ,but he reached and conducted lesson with cheerful manner.
He took a poem from 3rd grade . ‘ Can you…..’. He sang
and children repeated. Then they all sang together with actions.He practised
….can you hop like rabbit?,Can you jump like frog?, can you fly like a bird?.
Children answered “ Yes, I can.” “ No,I can not”.
Girish sir observed and talked to Pravin on lesson. He made
him to reflect on the lesson and also suggested specific things so that
learners can produce simple English. Girish sir conducted one warmer with
children. Telling one thing from the class . Then saying the own word
before saying our neighbor’s words. It was memory game. With
the help of eliciting ,showing or pointing at the objects ,pictures in
the classroom and not using a single word in Marathi or Hindi or not taking
support from all of us , Mr Girish sir and all the children succeeded to
conduct the activity. Children really enjoyed the game and 2 children
told the whole words. Both were rewarded with Cadbury. Drawing activity was
given to learners and they enjoyed it, too. I also conducted one warmer ‘ Fire
in the mountain ‘ with rest of the children and introducing
children with ..” I am …” All the children were given biscuits.
We moved to another school Shingarpada at 2 pm. Mr
Kamalakar sir had already left school for attending meeting thinking that visit
had been cancelled . He had been waiting for us since 8 am. And we reached at 2
pm. Mr Gaikawad sir went to Gandole and he gave the messge to him as there was
no range and so no use of phone. Meanwhile Girish sir took learners’
focus group. Conducted warmer.
After half an hour Kamalakar Raut sir came and conducted
lesson as per plan. Using flashcards he introduced new words like
crying,laughing,smiling,walking,eating,writing,reading etc. He felt nervous at
first but Girish and I raised his confidence.
We finished observations by 4:15 pm and began our return
journey. We discussed a lot . Both the teachers have attended only one and 2
tag meetings. So the impact of Tag activities, we could find a little. Still we
felt happy because teachers are working in remote areas and serving
as per the needs of learners. In spite of many problems teachers know the
importance of English and students are also interested to learn
Today I learnt without taking support of mother tongue, we
can motivate and encourage learners to understand English and engage them in
simple warmer like activities. All can learn English a little bit. Children can
learn through fun and if they feel respected and rewarded.
Be humble. Don’t discourage or criticize

2 TAG Observation
Date:- 7/10/2017
TAG:- NAS088
Cluster :- Nanashi/Gandole
TAG Coordinator :- Mr Atul pawar
Time:- 8 to 11
· Journey to Nanashi from Nashik ( 6:15 – 7:30)
We reached at Nanashi at 7:30 am. Mr Girish sir had
pre-chat with Atul Pawar while reaching to Nanashi . Atul sir is very dynamic
person. Fluent in English. Very energetic ,responsible. He conducted 3 Tag
meetings in year 2. This was his 4th meeting. 16 teachers were
present for the TAG meeting at Z P school, Nanashi.
At the end of tag meeting 2 teachers joined the tag .
· Introduction and felicitation
Firstly the tag teachers felicitated
Girish sir and me with bouquets on behalf of the school. Girish sir
introduced the teachers himself and the purpose of the visit. All teachers were
looking tensed but after a quick introduction ,they felt relaxed.
· Review and warm up activity ( 8:10 –
8:26 )
Atul sir started the tag meeting at 8:10 . He reviewed
quickly by asking few questions. Teachers shared few answers . Atul sir
encouraged teachers to reflect on what they did in the classroom. After review
Tag C conducted a warmer. A ladder race activity. The class was
divided into 2 groups and they were instructed to stand in 2 queues.
Instructions were given clearly about how to play the game and also
translated in Marathi. Teachers enjoyed the game and time limit was given .
After it i the spellings were checked and declared the winner.
Reflection on warmer was taken. Many were sharing their answers in
Marathi. One teacher said that this game is apt for grade 3 students. .
Teachers should be motivated to speak in Englsih.
Meanwhile , Mr Namdev Gaikawad (KP) came and joined the tag
for some time and started his official work. He also called some teachers to
fill some important work during tag meeting.
· Language development section( 8:26 - 9:09)
(Read,decide and select the topic)—Word train puzzle: Adjective
Teachers read the topics and selected puzzle out of 17
topics. Teachers explained the meaning of adjective, but in Marathi. Atul
sir elicited a lot on adjectives. Coducted puzzle activity. Teachers tried a
lot and came up with correct answers.
Clues were provided in the TRB. Teachers found quite
challenging to solve puzzle . It needs preparation and more practice.
Also puzzles should be correlated to the textbook. Many puzzles have been given
for practice in the RB.
· Learning by reading ( 9:09 – 9:50)
Teachers selected making lessons motivating.
How can we make our students interested in learning English
Tag C elaborated this question and very few teachers responded.
The whole section facilitated by Tag c reading, explaining and
translating. Teachers were given chance to read paragraphs. Sometime teachers
were engaged in talking English.
Teachers kept going out and coming in.
In reading section teachers should be put in groups and let
them read and understand themselves. Few comprehensive questions should
be prepared to increase interest.
· Break (9:50 – 10:10 )
· Learning by watching (10:10- 10:29)
Jump left and jump right
Atul sir started this section with before watching question..How
do you get learners to answer ? He elicited and trs shared like raising
Atul explained a lot himself. Due to no
electricity , a video clip couldn’t be shown to teachers. Instead of it Atul
sir and Girish sir used their mobiles. Teachers watched in groups. But it had a
little impact. Tag c should ensure about this and provide video clip link on
whats app before one day. They should decide the topic on whats app if there is
a problem of electricity.
Atul demonstrated the jump left and
jump right activity. Teachers seemed happy and involved.
· Reflection and action planning (10:30 –
Teachers solved reflection questions in TRB. They reflected and
made action plan together. Atul sir explained the word native speaker.
· Overview
Few points that we discussed together for the improvement of Tag.
Tag c encouraged ,motivated, explained and even translated . Very
energetic throughout the tag. Self motivated person as he conducts tag and will
continue meetings in future. He is always in touch with the teachers.
However,he should reduce TTT and
translating as it wastes much energy
Teachers should be divided in pairs and in groups
Be prepared. pre-plan and go through all the sections
quickly before the tag.
· TAG teachers focus group
Girish sir took tag teachers’ focus group and made everyone
talkative . He distributed 9 questions to 9 persons and motivated them to
discuss on each. Everyone participated and shared their opinions. This was
really interesting.
· Return journey and overview on tag and dialogue
with Tag c
While back to nashik , Girish sir discussed with atul sir
.Gave productive and specific suggestions . Increased his confidence .
He started with Tejas and tag and come to an
end for the best of Tejas and Tag……………………………………

Ashok Chavan (SARP)
( State Academic Resource Person )
@ashok30chavan (twitter handle)